Rambling Bramble


It’s 9:45am, I’ve been awake for an hour and already Elle’s winnding me up. I don’t know whether she’s trying to do it deliberately or not, but either way she’s pissing me off. I wish she would just go to work already., it shouldn’t be this hard, why is it this hard? Is it just me and how I’m feeling or is this how it really is?


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I’m so sorry. Feel better hun. *hug*

May 9, 2008

Hope the weekend is good for ya hun! I hope things get better around there!

May 9, 2008

what do all those things mean. explain! i hope you end up having a better day of it though. Nothing is worse than starting everything out on a bad foot being annoying and frustrated by someone you want to love and care for. *huggzz*

May 9, 2008

ryn: yes, that’s what I meant. and now, commence with the *huggzz*