New here ^_^
Hallo internet world I'm.. wait what was my name again.. well I forgot but that don't matter!! I'll just make a similar one im harumi and I opwned this account on the spot (not sure what that means) cuz I was mad at my girlfriend nd I just wanted to write smth that maybe someone…
The girl next to me part 2
Today was a great day, i mean i got to class late but i have more memories with the girl from Argentina. Yesterday, i sent her a messeges asked about " today do we have an online class?". But she didn't reply me until this morning, and the answer was no, and i was on…
The girl next to me.
I met this girl at the ESL class (English second language) and completely into her in the look. She's from Argentina, and the way she talks Spanish....it's drive me crazy. I think i love when she always smiles, and her smile...omggg i wish you can see it. Today is the second weeks of 15 weeks&hel...
Monday, 25 April 2022
Monday, 25 April 2022 I really want to start journaling and I'm going to see if it works out doing it this way or not. If not, I have other notebooks that I can write in. I've always had problems journaling online because I don't know where to start and always end up deleting it…
To Be Seen By A Stranger
Stream of consciousness... from last night. Recorded from a voice message, transcribed. **** This is my idea for writing, art, expression, something I don't know, but I'm driving in my car. I've just left the Joker, and it was an okay movie. It was a musical. It was a dark musical. I was really b...
22, Lesbian
When I was younger, I thought that there's something wrong with me because I like girls, or was it just the environment I grew up in? Sometimes, I still like men physically, but I can't see myself having an emotional connection with them. I never had any serious relationships, and I am closeted. ...
Back after a long while
It's been a long, long while. My last entry dates 2019. Many things have changed. Both my parents passed away. My father died in 2022, at the age of 99. He has lived a full, happy life, until the end. My mother followed him one year after, in March 2023, after a pneumonia. My life…
Looking For Air
Suddenly I feel like I'm drowning, and I can't get out. There are so many things on my mind, and I'm having a hard time expressing/communicating them. The crazy thing is that it is literally like 5-6 different major topics that would break down into a million little things. I'm not sure which to ...
I'm really confused. Let's start with that. I have this friend. We'll call her Jules. She's a girl, and bi. I'm a girl, and confused. We hang out a lot. Around Christmas, one of my other friends told me that Jules had a crush on me a while before I had started questioning who I…
Question to yourself
I don't think I can do this, i have a feeling that my soul and mind like Girls though i like man also but the feeling is not the same as i like girls. I want to have girl friends but im afraid of judgement from people surrounds me. what can I do now. I…