I’m an electric pagan, married to a trans person, in my early 30s, and deal with mental illnesses.

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December 16, 2018
  I’ve been reading the OD rules and I’m pretty sure this entry shouldn’t violate rules, but if it does I’ll take it down. I’m trying to do other things besides binge eat. I had dinner and that should be good, but I keep craving cookies, ice cream, and chocolate. I opted out for some…
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Recent Entries

  • Holidays and PTSD
    December 15, 2018
    Christmas and end of the year always affect me. I’ve had nightmares almost every night since November and now December. About people that abused me. It’s stressful waking up and not let it affect me or my day. I don’t want to worry my husband so I no longer say anything about the nightmares.  Fin...
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  • Worry and Early Waking
    December 13, 2018
    I’m up super early again. It’s almost 5am here. I just ate a small bag of cookies in less than 10 minutes. I binge eat when I have uncomfortable emotions I have a hard time dealing with. Worried about all kinds of stuff right now. Listening to Global Monster by Heatbeat. I love electronic dance&h...
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  • Friendship & Abuse
    December 12, 2018
    I have a friend that was married 8 years to an abusive man. They finally divorced, but still remain friends.  He did awful things and said horrible stuff and yet she forgives him and he’s around her home constantly. I visit her from time to time. He makes me really uncomfortable. He indirectly in...
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  • Energy
    December 11, 2018
    My body always feels drained of energy. I can sleep 12-14 or more hours and not feel rested. I had anemia and now I’m not anemic anymore thanks to iron pills and birth control shots.  Yet, I’m still just as tired. I’m thinking of going to my medical doctor on Friday to see if I…
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  • Visits
    December 9, 2018
    I try to visit my family at least twice a month if not more.  It’s difficult to visit when dad is an abusive ass. He still insults, makes fun of you, and really gets under my skin. His negative energy and the anger I have towards him for being so physically abusive in the past.…
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  • Looks
    December 8, 2018
    I don’t think I’ll ever feel beautiful. Once upon a time my husband made me feel that way, but the more I get to know him the more I question why he’s even with me? He loves feminine women. Penelope Garcia from Criminal Minds, many of the Star Trek, and sci fi women, and just…
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  • Ultrasounds
    December 7, 2018
    Had a pelvic and breasts. I didn't want to have the exams. Lately I don't want to go to the doctor or have anymore tests. I'm frustrated that doctors can't find the reasons why I'm always tired. Also the gyno at an earlier appointment diagnosed me with PCOS from my blood results that my Testoster...
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