Crazy Husband!
Yesterday I was cashing up at our shop, it was just after 4, closing the window shutters, bringing in the advertising sign etc. then started emptying the till. Hubby was stood around saying ''Come on! Hurry up! Come ONNNNNN!'' Stomping his feet! I told him he sounds and behaves like a stroppy tee...
Let’s get it all out there!
It’s 4.15pm , I have 1 hour until work finishes, my hair extensions have slipped so are currently digging into my head – being female is fun - and I’m bored! The time is dragging its ass like a snail on sand (this is the slowest thing I can currently think of!) And the only…
Front Desk?!
I’m a pre-K teacher at a little private school.  Because we are not a wealthy school and my class is small I have no aide. When I need a break I find a way.  Last week a certain three year old was my line leader. I told him to line them up at the door…
Some Humor
 , fully                            I was working the midnight shift at the skilled nursing facility. I was getting ready to go down hall one with my medication cart, when out…
Nothing To Say Per A. Lincoln’s Advice
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.  Abraham Lincoln
(Entry 16) Bird or Mermaid – Which one?
Almost every night, i run a poll on my Twitter timeline usually with the hashtag if given a chance (i.e. #ifgivenachance). The poll lasts for a day so i have the result by the end of the next night i.e. 24 hours. Two days back, i did this one - If given a chance, what…
Celebratory Steaks On The Grill
 As I was getting my groceries out of my car, and walking to my apartment door, my neighbor is sitting outside of their apartment door. Another hard day of work done, heh? My neighbor asked me. Yes! I said. I'm very happy to be home after a long day of work. And to show just…
My Feather Pillow
I like my feather pillow, but really, I feel bad for the naked ducks.
That’s My Teddy Bear!
As you might already know, I am a dump truck driver for a well-known asphalt company called ST Bunn. A few days ago, it was raining hard, and the truck drivers, one by one, came inside the office and read what was written on the schedule board. "All drivers are on hold, weather pending". So,…
You Don’t Know Me Very Well, Do You?
There's always someone within my close circle of friends that will always ask me, how are you doing? And of course, I always answer, that I'm doing well. And then they will ask me, sooooo, what are your plans for today? Then I reply, you don't know me very well, do you? I thought by…