Lucky Number 7

I never really knew people had favorite numbers but 7 seems like a good number; it is really working out for me. I met my Iron Lobster in the 7th month of the year. God told me to forgive my soon to be ex-husband; 70 X 7 just keep forgiving. I did and he gave me my miracle baby. I was going to leave my marriage before I got pregnant, I thought I had more time. Maybe God knew I didn’t have more time. The fertility doctor we saw a few years prior did say my ex has perfect sperm. I am so glad I got him neutered. I will always love him for giving me my daughter, she is a true blessing. I am a little broken, polycystic ovaries and an incompetent cervix.  I spent 117 days in the NICU with my baby girl, just the 2 of us, God kept her safe. COVID kept me and my husband apart during that time.  Maybe God was preparing me to be a single mom.  I give meaning to things like that.  My attorney’s office just emailed me notification that my dissolution hearing will be March 17th; St Patrick’s Day!  Would it be inappropriate to go out prior for Kegs and Eggs? I am almost 40 and still have never been out for Kegs and Eggs. I did a little research on St Patrick’s Day. From what I read St Patrick converted the Irish to Christianity. He was apparently kidnapped and enslaved for 6 years before escaping his captors. I find this so amusing as I was legally married (held captive) for 6 years. Iron is the traditional wedding gift for 6 years in case anyone was curious about that. I am also easily entertained; I think humor is a mature coping skill. When I am feeling down, I watch TikTok. I need Jesus after watching stuff on TikTok.  Anyway, St Patrick reported finding God during that time. He said God spoke to him in a dream and told him to leave. God said I could leave my marriage. If God can love that woman at the well, he can love me too. She had 5 husbands and was shacked up with some dude that was not her man. I did not know about her; I am glad I found out. I can make that work for me; I think God can be ok with me having two. That is my perspective on it.  Some traditions say the clover represent faith, hope, and love. In the Holy Trinity the clover represents the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This is not a research paper so don’t come for me if I have my facts wrong; I googled that shit. So, what was it that ended your marriage? A couple of sessions on Microsoft Teams and a Zoom call. My final dissolution hearing is over Zoom lol. It is a little funny and a little sad. I really did and still do believe in for better or worse, richer or poorer, in the good in the bad. I promised myself I would try everything before quitting and I know I did. I don’t do failure; my plans may fail but I will find new plans. Gods Plans.

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