The psychedelic journey
This entry is best described by my feelings that I am definitely exploring like one might explore a LSD sugar cube in the mid 60’s. But the question I might ask myself on this journey of enlightening exploration is I’m feeling like an alienated conflicted individual who has stumbled upon a devast...
I have struggled with addiction my entire life although I only learned this a few years ago, a story for another day. Without mentioning specifics, it started with uppers and I struggled with those through my early 20's. My late 20's and early to mid 30's and I guess current would be opiates an...
“The slime”
I believe I've become ill again. I'm going to the hospital but people don't give a shit about our "kind" of people. Junkies, convicts, alcoholics.... They think we are the slime of the earth... But in reality they're the ones that created us. With their soul completely corrupted with a sickening ...
Kickin’ It at 3am
It’s 3 am and I’m awake. So very awake. Only one day into this new bottle and I’m already taking more than I told myself I would. Every day I say tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes. So here I am, awake at 3am. A little worried about doing tomorrow with so little sleep. Worried about stupid…
Are These the ‘Ups and Downs’ Everyone Talks About?
It's crazy to think that less than six months ago I was so ready to have a baby with T. It's so strange how quickly things can change. When I thought I was pregnant last month months ago, it should have been a great bonding time for us. Instead, something felt off. I felt like if…
Happier w/out Weed
I had another glorious day yesterday. Although I didn’t sleep much, I got out of bed and bought a #5 from McDonalds(McGriddle meal) & drove across the street to pick up a cinnamon dolce latte from Starbucks. I came home and savored every morsel. I canceled all my plans for the day because I w...
Saturday around 3pm
It is a beautiful Saturday. I’m still exhausted from the music video shoot, but I managed to get out of bed earlier this morning to buy two venti cinnamon dolce lattes (with 3 pumps instead of 5) from Starbucks earlier. I also wrote a hook and first verse to a new instrumental given to me.…
Sigh – Death is never fair.
I’m so freaking mad or sad. It depends on the second. To begin with I was sad. So sad. Then after more information all I could feel was intense anger with sadness added in. What the f’ing hell was he thinking? Today I missed some calls from my best friend. Followed by a text “V…
Stop taking from me
Addiction takes and takes and takes. It took my sisters life today. I’m worried it’s going to take my other sister soon.
I’m just tired.
An open letter to the one I love the most: I am sorry for putting you through so much misery and pain because of my drinking problem. I am tired of humiliating you and you having to forgive me over and over again. I wish I could turn back the hands of time and treat…