I’m going to write a story…
I'm going to write a short story this year. In January in fact I've decided. My first goal of 2024. I was 60 two weeks ago and I must have lot's of stories in me that I can work with? Or I must think of an ending and work my way back to it bringing…
Coming of Age
All my friends are becoming responsible adults. They're doing all the things I always assumed I'd also be doing by now... progressing in respectable careers... Getting engaged and married to wonderful people whom I adore... Getting mortgages, buying houses... Having babies... More and more often,...
I’m interested in studying law as well as psychology. I need to look at my options, but if the options are right, I think I can actually do it. I am still very afraid of the assessments, but I think the fear is more overwhelming than the task itself.
Recap of last year and half
June 26, 2022. Home What an eventful last 18 months! I had a blast (and bunch of stress as well) in my last job Resigned and tried to have a go at my own startup [and decided I will not attempt a startup anymore] For the first time if my career didn't work for a…
Duty to Protect
Six Core Ethical Principles
Service Social Justice Dignity and Worth of the Person Importance of Human Relationships Integrity Competence https://open.spotify.com/track/7m4E8QpiUyhPBGNALonJqS?si=hKLUEMRMRgemZrzu8zRgnQ
Stress Fracture
So this is an ironic update. I am 99 percent sure I have a stress fracture in my right foot. For reasons that can only be described as "America" I am unable to go to the dr to confirm this however I cannot bare weight on my foot and the right side is swelled. My…
Austin. Home.
Austin. I am in Austin now. Well settled. At home. Life is good. Just be. You are all good, happy, fullfilled. Time to focus on others. Give. Give smiles. Give enthusiasm. Give positive direction. Work on making the world a better place.
Feet before Brain
I said I'd walk on the beach today and its 8.30pm and I havent. I dont want to walk on the beach I want to go to bed because I am up at 5.45am for work. But I am going to do that take heed of that old Chinese saying. Feet before brain. Im not…