Trying to Show Gratitude More Often
I'm trying to better at showing I'm grateful for all the gifts/blessings in my life so here it goes five things I'm grateful for today: Today I notice more so than other days how grateful I am to be able to go outside and enjoy this beautiful Summer day it's not quite as scorching hot…
10 Things I’m Grateful for Today…
10 things I’m grateful for today… The beautiful weather. Waking up early enough (without an alarm, mind you) to see the dappled in the lounge room. I had no idea how peaceful this apartment is in the morning. Rosemary’s paintings. Not only do we have interesting art to decorate the walls, but it ...
My old house is officially sold and I have collected my check for my half of the equity. Baby steps in the healing process. I can pay back some debts and breathe. I am very sleepy today.
I was talking to God again today.
Turtle Doves  There are 13 species belonging to the genus Streptopelia. Four have common names that name them as turtle doves. While each species of dove has unique characteristics, collectively they share many traits that determine breeding, behavior, and appearance. Turtle doves are monogamous ...
I want to do something hippie themed…
...in honor of the Great Alignment. To somehow tie it to what I want to write about, and that is to misabuse a business buzzword one of my boss's boss's boss (his name was 'Sir") was very fond of using. He liked to say that he was aligned with me if he felt he both…
Gratitude Journal-First entry!! :)Music, music, music!
Wow! I remember having an open diary as a teen, as I loved it. I used to write in it every night. I already have a gratitude journal, but its nice to have a diary to write everything out in and people to share it with. So yay! I really wish I could change the…
Before you were mine
This morning I said a little prayer of gratitude for the love my children received from their caregivers before we were able to hold them in our arms. I am grateful to their birth-mothers for choosing the path they did for them. I am grateful for the nurses and staff at the orphanage who loved&he...
Laudate Dominum
Praise the Lord that her decline was so swift and that she did not suffer long. Glory to God that I held her as she took her last breath, that my face was the last thing she saw, that my words of love and reassurance were the last sound she heard. When she reached for…
[Photo incl.] Open Diary improved my eyesight.
When I was 14 I had depression. Even as I slept I couldn't see clearly - for years I was blind in my dreams. I used Open Diary to clear my thoughts and improve my vision. This website calmed me on some of my roughest, loneliest days; I hope everybody that needs that solace finds…