Married 38 years. Retired as of 2 years ago (early). Bingo Caller for a Senior Center. Actively involved in our Church.
Started here in 2000- had a Grief Diary: 1958Mouser (now erased, too bad) and in 2001 started this one.
In this Diary I will share thoughts about various subjects.

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December 14, 2017
So since getting the 1 month free almost a month ago, I have added a few names.. thanks to you for accepting me.  A few others were friends before the OD went down but I haven't seen you since. Several others I have stayed in contact with through Prosebox. My time is up here in…
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Recent Entries

  • Sunshine
    November 25, 2017
    SUNSHINE- Warmth, natural Vitamin D, Bright and Cheery Sunlight streaming through the window in the morning. It is like the sun is greeting me to a new day. It makes me feel good. Glad to be alive. A Sunny day cause me to want to be productive in the day or maybe just read a…
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  • Here I am
    November 21, 2017
    I got to say when I came on here Monday afternoon and saw a entry by someone I haven't seen since the earlier OD days, I felt like I had come home. Funny thing is I told people I wouldn't come back and besides now I am in Retirement Mode I have to consider the…
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  • In Transition ~
    February 2, 2014
    ~ Change ~ It sucks!
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  • So long, farewell
    January 29, 2014
    Emotionally I let go of this place a long time ago. Yet was still interested in staying up on people's lives that I have met. Once I meet someone I never want to lose contact, that is how I am;I would always wonder how you are doing. Open Diary for me started out writing about…
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  • ~1st entry’s Explanation -12
    February 22, 2002
    Trips to California; -We went to California where all of our family lives every about 2 years. We went there in December 1989, May/June 1991, May/June 1993, May/June 1995. We always Drove. I always bought all kind of fun things for the kids to do on the 2 day trip. Games to play, Things to…
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  • ~1st entry’s Explanation -11
    February 20, 2002
    Teasing Friends & Family; -He loved to tease us all. He’d fall and act like he was knocked out or hurt and I’d get all worried and then he’d start laughing. Or he’d mimic me when he was being silly. He’d tease his Sister which sometimes made her mad. In August 1996 he and Tyler…
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  • ~1st entry’s Explanation -10
    February 18, 2002
    Baseball; -He didn’t really play much Baseball but we did go to the Park/School and play catch and hit Balls.Soccer; -Nathan loved to play Scoccer at School. We had a Soccer Ball that we would take to the Park/School and kick around.Taking out the Trash; -It was mostly Nathan’s Job to take the Tr...
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  • ~1st entry’s Explanation -9
    February 16, 2002
    Pushing the Cart & Carrying the Heaviest bags to the Car; -Nathan loved to go to the store with me. He was very good about not asking me for things to buy, yet I usually did get him something. Whenever we went to the store he always insisted on Pushing the Cart or carrying the…
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  • ~1st entry’s Explanation -8
    February 14, 2002
    6th Grade High Trails Trip; -All the 6th Grades in the Town went on a week trip in the mountains. Nathan went and had fun. This was the first time I allowed him to be away from me for more than a Night. While he was on this trip, he and some other kids managed…
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